We got the name SUSD by our shitty school district (scottsdale unified
school district). We went by the SUSD for about 2 months then it got old so we changed it to Stood Up Shot Down
(even though jimmie still calls it the SUSD). In the beginning of 2003 we were officaly playing partys but shows non the less.
It was in february our first show took place on the basketball courts of Steven Proskis house. We played with his band "AIDS"
(anonymously insaine death structure) and might I say it was good. I still didnt think we were ready but jimmie threatened
to leave the band if we didnt have a show by march. Now chris wasnt to happy about this "thats not what being in a band is
all about man"- Chris. Whining like the 6 year old he is. We did that show before March so Jimmie didnt leave the band.
We got our 2nd show @ the Mason Jar, thanks to Jon at the Jar who liked our name. He put us on the tab with great bands like
Heliphino, Fleshfair and Evidence Manual, and surely we stood out like a black man at notre dame (its a joke dont take
offense, chris goes there and plus we're friends with sean)((that whole sean thing was a joke too, it was there to make you
forget about the whole black man at notre dame, forget it))
We played that show and it was fun. It was fun getting dirty looks by metal bands and it was fun playing
for the 80+ that went. That show took place on May 29th 2003.
We felt like rockstars when we had ANOTHER show on JUNE 6TH, which was only 8 days away!. WHAT WERE
WE GOING TO DO! Not practice of course because the other bands we were with were so shitty it made us look like mandy moore
compared to cher in a thong. Speaking of which I dont know what my obsession for cher in a thong is. It is just weird
I don't know. But she was good in that movie with the elephant syndrome kid. It was kind of sad because she was this
drunky bitch that always went out and partied with motorcycle guys and left the elephant syndrome kid alone in his room with
baseball cards. If you want to talk more about that movie with me then please e mail me (suicidemachine75@aol.com). But anyway I was kidding. we didnt practice because we were too busy partying because it was the beginning of summer. Actually
that is a joke too I guess I dont know why we didn't practice. But that is beyond the point. That show took place at the Big
Fish Pub with our brother band RUnning with the Fat Kids and Violent Rage.
Oh the summer went by, who cares about the other shows.
Another great show was September 13th with the fat kids and something for nothing. we all did a good
job promoting and got over 150 people to sit through all of us.
We started to record our first CD (a bomb called freedom) and it should be out before the end of the