Our name is Stood Up Shot Down.
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We are going back to this site until our other one gets fixed.

BACK TO SCHOOL SHOW on September 11th.  We are very excited to be sharing the stage with our friends this evening, Sigma, Something for Nothing and Da Comebacks.
The Show STARTS at 5:00pm and Sigma is playing first so try and get there before the doors open
This show is @ Mason Jar. Located at 23rd St and Indian School Road.

In other news writing new material has been going really smooth.  We are going to be in studio with in the next month or two recording with the great Dennis Gilman of Worker Bee Studios.  We were going to choose the name "This Generation Fighting Proud" but instead we have found our name to be "Comeunity".   Maybe that will stick maybe not, whatever.  Whatevers Cool.

Stood Up Shot Down Shows

Sat Sept 11th
Stood Up Shot Down
The Comebacks
Something for Nothing

@ Mason Jar
23rd St. Indian School Rd.